How do you view yourself?  Are you connected to your body, mind, feelings and spirit?  As someone who has overcome an eating disorder, the big gift is that in order to heal, I had to develop a relationship with myself on many levels.  The four main ones were my body, mind, feelings and spirit.   For most of my life, I looked only at my body as a something to be perfected, to be skinnier and prettier.   It wasn’t even in the realm of my consciousness that my thoughts could be changed and they created how I felt about myself.  I stuffed my feelings and certainly didn’t allow myself to experience them.  And I had no idea what my intuition was trying to tell me because I was too busy trying to please everyone else.

After years of getting to know myself, I now look at my body as a temple that allows me to experience the world.  I have learned to create a relationship with my feelings, I allow myself to experience and feel them and through that I am blessed with many messages that help guide my life.  I now look at my feelings as my souls way of communicating with me.  I am aware of how my thinking creates the way I feel.  I uncover beliefs that keep me from fulfilling my goals and living my dreams and create new ones that help me to expand and feel inspired.  Where my spirit is concerned, I have found a deeper meaning to my life and I follow and trust my inner wisdom (at least most of the time:))  Day by day I continue to learn, expand and grow and continue to create a deep relationship with myself.  

So why am I sharing this?  Because I realize working with myself and many clients over the years that if we get sick, feel unhappy or off-track, it always comes down to our relationship with ourselves.  How can we love and accept ourselves more and what is our being trying to tell us.  We come into this world alone and we leave this world alone so it only makes sense that we be our own best friend.  Our relationship with ourselves is the most important relationship we will ever create in our lives.  When we get to know our feelings, our minds, our bodies and our spirits, we begin living a life that feels good.

Weekly Empowerment Recipe: This week, ask yourself the following questions:  What is my relationship with my body like?  How would I like to see it shift and grow?  What is my relationship with my mind?  Am I aware of my thoughts and how they affect me?  How would I like to see my relationship with my thinking change?  What is my relationship like with my feelings?  Do I allow myself to feel them?  Do I listen to their messages?  What is my relationship with my spirit?  Am I aware of my inner wisdom?  What is the meaning of my life?  

Weekly Empowerment Affirmation: My relationship with my whole being grows deeper and deeper every day.  Each and every day I find something new to love and accept about myself.


This Wednesday evening from 7:30pm – 9pm, I am holding a FREE telesession:  Creating a Vision for Your Relationship with You:  Assessing Your Situation and Clarifying Your Goals.  If you are interested, please e-mail or call 416-277-4950 for more information and call in numbers.  Hope you can be on the call to have some fun and learn more about you:)