On a Saturday you’d rather:
a) Watch a hockey game 
b) Snuggle with a big bird 
c) Stuff your face with cheesecake french toast
d) Run through a forest with a child on your head
e) Have someone cuff you.

You are most likely friends with:
a) Hot bob-sledders
b) Gay guys who like to collect bottle caps and take bubble baths
c) Cheese
d) Wolf boys
e) Dennis the Menace

You are self conscious about
a) Being mistaken for Big Foot
b)Your big nose
c) Your growling tummy and sticky fingers
d) Inability to control your anger
e) Your psychotic mood swings

You mostly like to eat:
a) Protein shakes and energy bars
b) Cabbages by the bushel
c) Anything fattening
d) Steven Harper
e) Garbage

In the shower we are most likely going to overhear you singing:
a) The national anthem
b) Happy Birthday To Me
c) 439 double zero Pizza Nova!
d) The Yeah Yeah Yeah’s
e) Retro Junk

Your favourite hobby is:
a) Cheering
b) Looking sad with your big eyes 
c) Eating cookie dough and watching romantic comedies
d) Making models of a better world and wreaking havoc in the woods
e) Scaring people

You don’t leave home without:
a) Canadian flag badge, Emergen-C and mitten warmers
b) Buffy Sainte-Marie Album and your imaginary friend
c) Chips, cookies, soda and gaviscon
d) Giant claws and your wild ways
e) Your dark glasses

Mostly A’s = Quatchi the Sasquatch
We don’t know why you are the way you are but we want to hug you. Some people say you are more Japanese than Canadian – but really who cares. You are a supportive creature who friends consider very loyal and your enthusiasm is always contagious. We also think you really know how to work accessories and would be happy to trade your ear-muffs for some of our bling. Quatchi – you so cute!

Mostly B’s = Snuffleupagus
You are a bit of a loner but those who meet you warm to you instantly. When we found out you attend Snufflegarten – it touched our hearts and we are left confused as to whether we want to ride you around or baby you. You are good at counting, making friends and we could take cues on how to wear our mascara just like you. The only thing we don’t like is hanging around you after you’ve eaten like twenty cabbages.

Mostly C’s = Hungry the Weight Watchers frenemy
Hey Hungry – we totally want to party with you! You are fun and know how to stir shit-up and cause a scene – we enjoy your antics. If we ever feel like being gluttonous – it’s you who we will call. You may not have will power – but you do know how to make us smile. You just need to calm down with the Chinese Food and donuts – but that has nothing to do with why we enjoy your company.

Mostly D’s = Carol the Wild Thing
Sometimes it’s good to hang out with folks that challenge and intimidate, as it provokes self growth…and Carol you sometimes scare us. That said, we feel totally at ease letting our hair hang down and be totally free – I guess you are kind of a hippie child at heart. We’ve talked about your anger management before – but it seems to be improving. When we are lonely at night we howl for you. 

Mostly E’s = My Pet Monster
You are a bit of tom-boy and secretly like S&M. When there’s nothing going on – we can count on you to make a walk in the park freaky and ridiculous. The last time you came to our house we saw you pulling out that half eaten pizza from the trash and eating it – that was kinda gross – next time just ask and we’ll fix you a snack. If we were going to build a treehouse with someone and start a club – you’d be first on our list. Edgy, eccentric and bursting with energy….we also love your retro styles.