Why we like: My first pet, prior to my vicious Siamese cat, was coincidentally a Siamese fighting fish. Cooped up each day and night in a small glass bubble bowl – that was where she (the name I can not recall) ate, slept and swam. I couldn’t help but feel that the space was insufficient and her life was dreary and depressing. So each day, if she behaved, I would fill her glass bowl up with an added sprinkling of tap water. Tragically, I one day I ran home from school to feed her an afternoon snack when I could not find my Siamese fighting fish in the bowl – I hesitantly glanced down, to find her discolored and dry, laying peacefully within the bristles of the carpet floor. She had jumped out to her suicidal death! Since that catastrophic incident…I have not and could not own another pet fish or love them as PETA urges us to do. For this reason and so many more, I can only enjoy fish in two brilliant ways (1) Sushi, and (2) as Sea Kittens.  

What you’ll find there: So PETA has launched a campaign, urging the public to reconsider our feelings of fish. Fish clearly have a bad rap. Thus PETA, as the animaltarians that they are, are attempting to change the face of fish everywhere. Read heart-breaking stories about Tara the Tuna, Tony the Trout and his whole crew. Plus, create your own Sea Kitten and share them with your friends. 

Where in the world: Norfolk, VA 

In a nutshell: The anime-like graphics are adorable, and make you want to give up your weekly dose of Sushi on Bloor – well, almost.
