Rocky is bound and determined to alert all dogs in the GTA to Purina’s friendly and incredibly helpful website for pups, MyPuppy.Ca. If you are a new pet owner, you can sign your pup up and the site will carefully chart his or her growth to provide you with all the best tips on pet care for every stage of life. If you already have a dog, MyPuppy.Ca is a great resource for troubleshooting issues like obedience, nutrition and knowing the signs of when your beloved pet is under the weather.

To help share the news, Rocky is interviewing his four-legged pals around town. Let’s get to know Bennie and Junior and see what they have to say.

Rocky: Hi guys!! I like chasing my ball, running at high speed in the park and tummy rubs. What makes you happy?? I GOTTA KNOW! Right now. 

Bennie: I like going on long walks with my dad that include campfires and brisk swims and playing fetch with an ear that my brother tore off our stuffed bunny.

Junior: I really like sleeping in the laundry hamper, playing with Bennie’s toys and getting my cheeks and tummy rubbed.

Rocky: Mmmm, dirty laundry….the best. When you guys were puppies, what did you struggle with? Mom says it took me FOREVER to get trained. You?

Bennie: I struggled with Junior eating all my food. He’s so small but he’s got the appetite of a horse.

Junior: I used to pee on the floor by accident. I’m just over 4 pounds now, but when I was little I was super tiny, so was my bladder, and I just didn’t know how to hold it until we went outside.

Rocky: Don’t be embarrassed Junior, it happens to the best of us. Have you guys checked out MyPuppy.Ca?

Bennie: Sure have.

Junior: I think my brother has…

Rocky: Do you think MyPuppy.Ca would have helped you with training? Or how to care for itsy-bitsy-tiny doggies?

Bennie: My mommy read a lot of books about dogs, and Chihuahuas specifically, but having all this information at her fingertips would have been super helpful, especially when we struggled with my crate training.

Junior: Definitely! My mommy always worries about me being too small, but after reading the ‘Weight Management’ articles she realized that I was eating exactly as much as I should be!

Rocky: Right now, I’m working on my begging problem. What personal goals do you have for yourselves?

Bennie: I have a really hard time abstaining from people food, so I would like to work on my self-discipline. Last night, I climbed up on the coffee table when my mommy and daddy weren’t looking and ate some pasta. Now my tummy hurts.

Junior: I’m pretty close to perfect, but I guess I could be a little nicer to other dogs. I suppose I could check out the Socializing 101 section. Maybe.

Rocky:  For fun, can you share a special memory with us?

Bennie: When I was 1, my parents took me on a camping trip to Algonquin Park. That was really fun because I got to ride in a canoe (in a life jacket, of course) and run around as much as I wanted. My mommy and daddy even let me bark at the loons!

Junior: I really like movie nights with my brother and my parents. One night in particular, I made the most perfect spot for myself to lie in in my mommy’s lap and we watched a nature documentary with a lot of animal sounds that kept me really engaged. My daddy also gave us liver treats.

Rocky: I want a nature documentary night with my mom. Hey, do you guys have a favourite toy?

Bennie: I like to snuggle with Junior, but don’t tell him I said that.

Junior: I like to snuggle with Bennie. Wait, this is off record right? I don’t want him to know how much I love him.

Awwwww! Bennie and Junior give MyPuppy.Ca a big paw high five! Maybe you should sign your pup up. Can you remember his or her birthday? 


Has your dog entered Rocky’s MyPuppy.Ca contest? What are you waiting for???! Send us a photo of the pet and you could win a HUGE pile of loot! (Including treats, obv.) Get the deets now! WOOF.