By Zoe Shapiro
Katy Perry’s new CD for California gurls and all the rest of us clinging to chirpy summer tunes, the delectable purple- wigged one’s new album hits stores this week.
Justin Beiber Whale Music for all of you who missed the recent pop culture crescendo; check out this Justin Beiber track slowed down to 1/8th speed. God bless technology for turning a Hilary Swank-coiffed, prepubescent icon into something that I can file alongside my Songs of the Rainforest CD.
Facebook Places Aaaah. Bewaaare. Facebook’s brand new app, called ‘places,’ allows you to essentially register at each place you arrive at, letting everyone know exactly where you are at all times. Cons: bad for pulling a sickie, adultery and oh ya, PRIVACY. Pros: good for lost children and puppies (providing they’ve been taught how to use Facebook Places).
Vampire Diaries on DVD Missed season one of this cultysexy show? Catch up before the second season’s abs and antics return, the DVD is out on the 31st.
2010 Emmy Awards Think Mad Men will win television’s most prestigious award for the third year running? Think newcomers Glee and Modern Family will eek out the heavyweights? Tune in to Jimmy Fallon hosting TV’s biggest night on Sunday the 29th