We’re always curious to see what Toronto creative agency Kastor & Pollux is up to, so when we received an invite to head to their School Dance event at Free, we replied, “Yes please…with a +1 if you can swing it.“
With promising slow jams, a punch bowl, and potential make-outs under the bleachers in mind, we glided into the second floor loft space on Claremont Street & back to the ultimate School Dance experience we’d had always hoped for (but never actually had). In a white tulle & lace dress, Kastor & Pollux Creative Director Dani Roche drifted through the room offering Panago Pizza while we circled the crowd seeking a bit of romance.
What was all this exactly? Whatever you wanted it to be. Warm nostalgia, a sweet dream, Thursday night slow jams and dinner. But it was also an opportunity for Kastor & Pollux to share about SCHOOL: an online learning platform created for the new generation. SCHOOL challenges what we know about traditional learning institutions by enlisting self-made creators + entrepreneurs to teach tangible skills about building businesses, navigating freelance careers and beyond. We’re excited to sign up for some adult learning.
We left with a tingly Ace Hill buzz, a class photo, and an old-fashioned phone number for potential summer lovin’. It was a lovely primer that got us excited about the upcoming curriculum.