Jacob Richmond’s Legoland, which follows the exploits of Ezra and Penny Lamb (Canada’s youngest drug cartel) opened Tuesday at Theatre Pass Muraille. The play is a prequel to Ride the Cyclone, which was also produced by Richmond’s company, Atomic Vaudeville, and first ran three years ago at the SummerWorks Festival. Despite this fact, Legoland stands alone as an amusing, high energy vaudeville show. Actors Amitai Marmorstein (Ezra Lamb) and Celine Stubel (Penny Lamb) dance, sing, rap and puppeteer their way through a retelling of the Lamb siblings removal from their home (a hippy commune outside of Uranium City, Saskatchewan), placement in a strict Catholic boarding school and (funded by drug money) to find Johnny Moon, a pop star turned offensive hard-core rapper, who Penny adores.
Much like its characters, the show is hectic, irreverent and witty and it’s a vaudeville style will keep audiences on their toes until the very end. An unconventional tale of innocence and identity (did we mention there’s a ukelele solo?), Legoland’s, final musings on love, are quite poignant: “You become who you love,” Penny says “So be careful who you love.”
Legoland runs until April 13 at Theatre Pass Muraille’s main space. Ticket info.