I have been having sex twice a day with my dude for the past four days and IT HAS BEEN AWESOME. Yes, yes, I know this doesn’t qualify us for the Sex Olympics or anything, but for the two of us, who are next-to-never the carnal, passionate, “lets fuck like bunnies” kind of couple, this is a SUPER BIG DEAL.
Why the sudden change? To get in shape for summer I have been eating super healthy and working out like a mo-fo, and as a result I feel fantastically sexy. This means I walk around the house wearing cute outfits (as oppose to my fuzzy owl pajamas), trying new hairstyles (as oppose to my scraggly ponytail fallback), and am even attempting a bit of makeup once in awhile (as oppose to my usually-nude face). These changes have resulted in lots of lingering looks and compliments from my dude (I LOVE compliments! I could LIVE on compliments!), which have propelled many delectable romps in the sack.
These past few days have reinforced what I already know but still often seem to forget – my sexiness is inside me. It is a raw g-force of power that I have control over and can release through my actions and attitude. So often I secretly blame him for things feeling stale or for not being able to put me in “the mood”, but these are all things I can control through taking pride and care of my self-image. If I build it, we will cum!
Anyhoo, my soup and sandwich lunch combo (which he made for me because he thinks I’m so darn cute) awaits! I’ll keep you posted, but in the meantime it would be great to hear what makes YOU feel like a sexy hubba-hubba goddess! Anyone want to share?