Hysteria is a charming love story, a laugh-out-loud comedy, and an intriguing period piece. The film presents an extremely refreshing perspective on female sexuality in a sincere, smart and accessible way. You will want to recommend it to both your mother and your dirty-mouthed girlfriend.
The history of the vibrator is deliciously awkward, a little bit arousing, and also infuriating: an interesting combination. It is the kind of story that could easily be botched, but director Tanya Wexler does a superb job. The result is a unique romantic comedy that will have you buckling with laughter and inspire conversation that touches on everything from sex toy antics to contemporary issues of sexual health. Dirty and dense, just how we like it.
Hugh Dancy does a fantastic job portraying the earnest and brilliant but somewhat naive Dr. Mortimer Graville. Naturally, Maggie Gyllenhaal is perfect for the role of Charlotte Dalrymple, the passionate young woman whose fierce and daring personality presents a threat to London’s stuffy high society.
A little bit of history, satisfying romance, laughter and lotsa orgasms. What’s not to love?
Hysteria is in theatres now.
~ Jen McNeely