Age: 21
Hometown: Ottawa, ON
What do you do? Actor/improviser
What do you love most about where you live? Big enough to have everything I need, small enough to have lots of greenery and fresh air

Your best friend is coming in to town for one day:
Where do you take them shopping? Workshop Studio & Boutique (242 Dalhousie) for sweet Canadian-made clothing, Ragtime (43 Flora) for vintage.
Where would you spend a sunny Saturday? On bikes! I think Ottawa’s greatest assets might be its scenic bike paths on a sunny day.
Where do you go to eat dinner? Oz Kafé (361 Elgin). Local ingredients, amazing specials, great atmosphere, delicious. But can we talk about brunch for a second? Jak’s Kitchen (479 Bronson) and Murray Street (110 Murray).
What’s the bar route? Not really my thing!  But there’s definitely something for everyone.
 Can you share with us a great hometown memory? What is a great hometown memory? A combination of something that holds emotional resonance with me, and is quintessentially “Ottawa,” summed up in a singular occurrence? That’s tricky. I think at some point in the life of every child who grew up here, there was a school-organized sleepover under dinosaur skeletons at the Museum of Nature. A developmental cornerstone, for sure, along with spending too much time loitering downtown in your teens.
What one stereotype about your hometown just isn’t true? That it’s a boring city. Cities aren’t boring; people are boring. But maybe that’s a chicken/egg thing? You know what, that one’s debatable. What’s definitely untrue is that everybody in Ottawa is perfectly bilingual.
How are you celebrating Canada Day? In rehearsal.