AGE: 22
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning

What I love about my outfit in this picture:

The fact that it is a one piece disco suit that glitters when the light hits just makes me the happiest person around town.

What is your favourite outfit for a night on the town:

A basic tee or tank, tucked into a high-waisted short with a pair of killer thigh high boots. Accessories usually consist of: 1) this wicked ring my mother brought back for me from Hong Kong (its three rings in one, 2 gold, 1 silver, very sleek and architectural), 2) a thin leather belt of some kind, to accentuate my decidedly female form.

What is your must have fall fashion item:

I would have to say a nice pair of open-toed chunky oxford style booties.

Tell us what fashion item you can’t stand:

I’m really not a fan of most things from American Apparel. Or maybe it’s just that it’s everywhere and I can’t seem to escape it.

Now on to boozing, what is your favourite bar to go to: 

I have to say I don’t really have a particular favourite. I am more of a fan of the use of innovative space for musical events. That being said, I have had some of my most memorable nights at places like the Great Hall and the Berkeley Church.

You are going on a first date, what’s the plan Stan?   

First date eh? I love food and the act of eating, and really the fact that we have to eat to stay alive (what a blessing), so I would say a relaxed sushi dinner, followed by some wine in the park and then heading out to meet friends. Its nice to take the pressure off and a good test to see how he/she gets on with your friends. 

Best hangover cure: 

Caesar’s and napping, hands down.

Where do most of your friends hang out (bar wise)? 

In and around the West Queen West area. Some of them are primarily homebodies so it’s a good mix.

What is your most typical at home meal?

Well I’m really a two dish kind of girl… so its either an angel hair pasta with sautéed veggies in a red wine tomato sauce with some goat cheese mixed in at the end or basmati/jasmine rice with tempeh stir-fried with snow peas, broccoli, spinach and coconut milk with some chilies for little heat.

What are you listening to on your iPod right now?

Fairlight by Fred Falke. I just can’t get over how the song builds.

Best food to sneak into the library/lecture hall

Ringolos or Hickory Sticks, two of my most favourite snack items.

One thing you can’t stand in a roommate: 

I have to pick just one??? I’m just kidding. I would say disorganization and subsequently clutter. I’m a neat person, not excessively so and don’t get me wrong there aren’t enough hours in the day to keep up on everything that should be kept up on, but general organization and cleanliness is a must.

Favourite thing you’re decorating your new place with? 

Bamboo flooring… its not happening just yet, but fingers crossed that it will be soon. (Technically its not my space and/or new, but that is the next renovation on the list)

Best cheap way to spruce up a space?

Painting, its more time consuming but you can do some interesting things with paint and it provides you with the most bang for your buck when it comes to change.  After that I would say hit up tap phong (I believe that’s what its called) for some cheap home accessories. They have all sorts of goodies for pretty much wholesale value. It’s located on Spadina, south of College on the west side of the street.

Favourite sober daytime activity (art gallery, reading in the park, etc.) 

Sunbathing on my patio or napping in the park.

Favourite place to study

I don’t know that I can say I have a favourite place, because studying is not something I have ever been good at, nor liked doing. But the place that I find is most conducive to good studying is my desk area off my kitchen. Once I get into the mindset I end up getting a lot done in that little area.

Best free activity/cheap activity

Swimming. I’m a water baby and swimming, though I have not done it nearly enough this summer, is so much fun. All year round I would have to say… hanging with friends. It’s free and always provides copious amounts of fun.

Favourite work-avoiding TV addiction 

I’m addicted to crime shows. None of the CSI stuff though. I’m talking the shows that showcase the most twisted underbelly of society and feature in-depth insight in to what makes these individuals tick.

What are you reading right now?

I’m about to start reading ” The Cutting Room.” It’s about an auctioneer who comes across a large stash of snuff photographs and is compelled to learn more about their deceased owner.

Favourite newly discovered neighbourhood

Newly discovered eh? Well I’m a big fan of Queen East. It has some really interesting shops, killer restaurants and interesting history and built form. 

Course you would recommend to peers:

Ecological Design with Prof. Nina-Marie Lister. I took it as a tertiary choice, but ended up learning so much about the potential for change that design with ecological function in mind can provide. Plus my professor really inspired me to exercise my intellectual muscles and push my level of analytical thought to new heights.

Course you are most looking forward to this year

In the 3rd and 4th years of my program you are required take a course called “Field Research Project.” You are given the opportunity to choose from two cities to travel to where you are required to study all aspects of Planning in that city and produce a research paper to that affect. Last year I went to Pittsburgh and this year I am off to Boston. I always loved field trips in school growing up and this course just takes them to a new level.

One thing you wish you knew before starting university

I wouldn’t have really wanted to know more because I am really blessed with how much I have learned, not only academically but also on a more personal level. If I knew more going in to university I don’t think I would have experienced it in the same way. 

What’s the best thing about your particular university?

I love that my school is home to so many specialized programs. It really makes for an interesting atmosphere. It also invokes a rather passionate student body, as the people who are there are really interested and involved in their program of choice.

What’s the most annoying thing about your particular university? 

They have possibly the worst health and dental plan and you are not allowed to opt out of it unless you prove that another carrier covers you. It’s so frustrating!

Any warnings? 

University is a lot of work. Something I’m sure has been said to all at some point, but just make sure you stay up on it, because there is nothing worse then feeling like you are drowning in work. Time management really is your best friend in this case.

Any additional tips?

Know that you can ask for extensions if you are having a tough time of things. Professors are a lot more sympathetic and understanding then you think and given enough notice, which is always the key, they are usually more than willing to help you out. 

Also university can be some of the best years of your life so make sure you go after everything that interests you, because you really only get the chance once and it really is a shame to waste it. 

Life is fun, enjoy it.