Review by El Nino
Director: Ben Stiller
Screenplay: Ben Stiller and Justin Theroux
Cast: Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr, Jay Baruchel, Brandon T Jackson, Tom Cruise, Bill Hader, Nick Nolte
In A Nutshell: Spoiled Hollywood stars working on a Vietnam War era film get dropped in it when their director’s plan to shoot the whole film ‘Gorilla Style’ goes horribly wrong.
Annoying Qualities: I can’t buy ‘Booty Sweat’ at the local 7-11 (yet…..)
Memorable Quote: ‘Never go full retard.’ – Kirk Lazarus (RDJ)
Made Me Feel: Grateful that Stiller has remembered how to be funny and apologized to us all for ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ and ‘Along Came Polly’ with this excellent film
You will like this movie, if you liked: SuperBad, Anchorman, Zoolander
Verdict: If you get offended easily, this is not the film for you. Black, white, gay, fat, drug addicted or adopted from a third world Asian country… Tropic Thunder promises something for everyone. Downey Jr, even though the academy would never give him an Oscar for something so blatantly offensive, deserves one. Even though there are some special interest groups encouraging people to boycott this film because of how it portrays, um… everyone, you should go. And enjoy yourself while all the politically correct so and so’s act very serious and do not laugh at anything while they stay at home in protest. Because making fun of people isn’t funny. Neither are fart jokes.
Go See This Show With: Who cares? Just go!!!