Hi ladies and gentlemen and Internet Dogs and whoever else makes up the beautiful and diverse readership I have begun to refer to in my head as “shedoesthebitties” (think about it), HI!

My name is Monica Heisey and I am a 25 year old Toronto-born writer, comedian, and as of today, associate editor of Shedoesthecity. I am very excited about that last bit. Some of you may know me from my column the Grown-Ass Woman’s Guide, and most of you are probably like “sry, who u?” but I am equally happy to meet you all and promise to work very hard to keep this wonderful site as wonderful as ever… maybe even more wonderful? Can we do it?! It is my first day so let’s not get wild, but I have a good feeling about this partnership, is all I’m saying.

My main interests, reading and writing wise, are: feminism, food and funny people, sex, travel and where to buy shorts of a reasonable length (I’m fun). I like pieces that make me laugh and think and ideally feel optimistic or inspired afterwards. I love Toronto and the rest of Canada, and am currently based between the UK and the T.dot, so I’m excited for this great excuse to keep in touch with what’s going on at home. Basically from now on I can promise you an upswing in “what to wear to a party when your feet hurt” and “smart recipes using only this cheese I found” content, as well as some really helpful things about the cities in which you live and a few nostalgic lists about the best places in Toronto to be hugged or whatever.

Something that excites me in particular about this move from writing to editing is the opportunity to engage more with readers of the site. I’ve been lucky enough to meet some of you in my few years writing here, and without exception, everyone seems rad. I have big dreams regarding ongoing dialogue in the comments section. Imagine we had a flourishing commenting community and no one called anyone fat or said they were stupid while spelling stupid wrong?  What an e-topia. I believe in us. In fact, I encourage you to comment under this weird rambling intro piece and tell me what you want from the site. What you’re getting that you want more of, what you haven’t seen yet that you’re dying for, a crazy idea you think just might work, etc. etc. You are the boss of me. Well, you and Jen.

You, me, shedoesthecity. It feels so right. It feels so Peniston.