This is a new morning ritual of mine that I’d like all of you to incorporate into yours (remember: it’s important to stay hydrated)!

Warm Lemon Water

To do: Boil water. Squeeze ½ fresh lemon into your favorite mug. Throw in the lemon, too. Fill the glass half way with boiling water. Fill other half with room temperature or cool water. Drink away.

The benefits:

  1. It aids in digestion by flushing out unwanted toxins from our bodies, and encourages the liver to make bile—which is necessary for digestion.
  2. It aids in elimination.  Because lemons are high in minerals and vitamins and are great for digestion, this all leads to regularity of elimination. Lemon water is also great for those days when you’re feeling bloated or experiencing acid reflux.
  3. It wakes up and signals your body, “Good morning, body!”
  4. Even though lemon is considered acidic, in your body it provides an alkalizing effect, which is ideal because bacteria(s) thrive in an acidic environment.  Drinking it daily will help eliminate overall acidity in our bodies, which has been linked to pain and inflammatory diseases.
  5. Lemon water is an excellent stimulant to your liver, so its best to drink it 20-30 minutes before you have your breakfast.
  6. Additional benefits include: acting as a blood purifier, lowering blood pressure, clearing the skin, and enhancing mood—and it’s delicious!

*A treat for you: For one month, I will be offering all SDTC readers 20 percent off of all services (some restrictions do apply)—so email me for your complimentary consult now!

Email Rachel at

For daily updates, follow Rachel on Instagram @TheHealthyBies and Twitter @rachelbies. Her colourful photos and fresh ingredients excite and inspire us to shop and eat better.

Rachel A. Bies, CNP is the on-site nutritionist for McEwan Foods and Fit Factory Fitness Gym. She believes that food should always be delicious, fun, and healthy, and will be sharing her foodie nutritionist tips, recipes and lifestyle suggestions with SDTC readers! We love her approach to clean living and think you’ll find her easy tricks helpful and inspiring.