To start the summer off right, American Express Canada is thanking those in their Facebook community by hosting a “Fans with Benefits” contest that will see some of Amex’s fans heading to see DMB at The Molson Canadian Amphitheatre on June 2nd. Huzzah! Well now, that’s AWESOME. AND the contest is open to everyone, so the lucky winners will get to experience what it’s like to be treated to some of the many cool Amex perks.
If you have an Amex card, you already know the benefits you receive as a result, including our fave, FOTL. Wassthat? Front Of The Line! Yep, just by being an Amex Cardmember, music lovers can get tix to some awesome concerts before the rest of Canada!
Here is just a taste of what is happening at Molson Canadian Amphitheatre over the next few months as part of the summer concert series: Beach Boys, Florence and the Machine, The Black Keys. An added bonus: Amex Cardmembers get FOTL entrance and access to an exclusive lounge to experience these concerts in style.
Amex loves to offer unique opportunities to its community, and this contest is no different. Winners of the Fans With Benefits contest will receive 1 pair of concert tickets to see Dave Matthews Band, FOTL entrance access and a pre-event reception in the Amex lounge – with dinner and drinks. Sweeeet!
Mmmm….summertime. Make it better and DO THIS.