To me, the phrase “back alley sale” calls to mind weird old guys with open trench coats and car trunks, black market livers and knock-off designer bags. I need to rethink this opinion. This May 5, CHOSEN will be teaming up with Penny Arcade and Silver Falls to host a Vintage Venta (that’s ‘sale’ for those who no hablo español) in celebration of Cinco de Mayo.
I can’t handle spicy foods, but I COULD handle a chili pepper-red suede skirt. Sartorial sriracha is fine by me, and there should be lots of great finds, spicy or otherwise, all between $5 and $20. Pop ‘round the back of 960 Queen via Givins Street lane and get browsing. Or head into the store—also at 960 Queen—and use the secret code… wait for it… “hold the mayo” (!!!) to get 30% off all shoes and clothing in there. Then go eat a million nachos and congratulate yourself on a job well done.*
*like, maybe also try to learn a thing or two about what the event means to Mexican culture if you can.
~ Monica Heisey