Can I start this off by saying we all need to do whatever it takes to get rid of Stephen Harper? Even a staunch Layton-moustache-loving NDP voter like myself is acknowledging that the time has more than come to make some sacrifices for the sake of ousting the creepy-eyed-one.

But if you’re not so convinced, the CBC has created a Vote Compass to help figure out where your loyalties lie, or more importantly, which parties support the issues that matter most to you. It only takes about a minute to give them your opinions on everything from Afghanistan to the environment, and they provide an analysis of your responses compared to the position of the various Federal parties.

You might learn a thing or two about where the parties stand, or be inspired to delve deeper into an election issue you hadn’t yet given much thought. What’s important is that this election is A Big Deal, (but you knew that already, right?) with consequences hanging in the balance that will effect generations of Canadians, and it’s important to find out as much as you can before voting day. (Oh yeah, and it’s important to vote!) Remember those Archie Comics stories where they would go into the future, and you had to go swimming using crude oil as sunscreen? NOT ON OUR WATCH! Go spend five minutes procrastinating with politics:

~ Haley Cullingham