Double, double toil and trouble – this party is hosted by three hot bitches: Eye Weekly’s Sarah Nicole Prickett, Karelle Steiner and Carli Mia. For those of you who are hardcore and want to extend Halloween hedonism to Sunday, or the actual holiday, then RedRum and Diet Coke is the dirty potion you should swallow. In fact, out of the nine hundred parties happening this weekend, this could well emerge as most sexy.
Taking place at our local neighbourhood swingers’ club, Wicked, the dress code already begs for, well, no clothes. Oh but don’t panic – this party is happening in the basement ballroom, unlike the sex dens upstairs, you are permitted to wear pants. What else for all you trick-or-treaters? Candy, secret prizes for costumes, film projections from Buce LaBruce’s LA Zombie….and more candy. DJs include Rory Them Finest & Sarah”Smallfry” Kosloff. Think Eyes Wide Shut meets hell.
We aren’t sure whether Wicked upstairs is open for you know what on a Sunday, but if it is and you are feeling frisky, slap down the big bucks and take a jaunt into orgy fuck land. You may be inclined to do it with your lover, or another!
And now a banned scene from Kubrick’s final film to, um, get you excited.
Wicked, 1032 Queen St. W.
Sunday, Oct. 31 from 10 pm to 3 am
$10 at the door