Watch out for Snacey! This campy, fantastical solo show written, produced, and performed by Dos Mundos Theatre Company’s Priscila Gonzalez follows a young snake throwing a birthday party for herself. What started as a 10-minute presentation has turned into a 55-minute, high-energy solo show, on stage now at the Toronto Fringe Festival. You can find Snacey and her animal pals at the St. Volodymyr Institute until July 13.

Snacey has not been the kindest snake and is afraid nobody will show up to her party. But as she begins to shed her evil practices, she realizes the power of an apology. Though this play is intended for younger audiences, Snacey! can speak to all ages about growing into your own person (or snake!). 

 “I was inspired by the concept of unlearning practices you are taught growing up, but no longer align with your beliefs today, as an adult,” Gonzalez explains. As audiences flock to see the show, she hopes it will speak to the power of change. Despite the childlike aspects of Snacey, she believes that everyone has the capacity to change and grow. 

“I hope it helps people who have had a difficult upbringing remember that they decide what defines them and what doesn’t. Ohers’ opinions, past mistakes or present situations do not have to define the person you consider yourself to be,” she says. 

Regardless of age, this is a cute, light-hearted and perfect watch for the summer. With Gonzalez’ background in the performing arts as a queer Colombian-Canadian multidisciplinary theatre artist, she brings an understanding of appealing to mass audiences. There are all sorts of theatrical elements that will make Snacey! a spectacular experience, with puppets, physical theater, and its unique campiness. Gonzalez explains that the camp elements helped present difficult content in a kid-friendly manner, making the show comedic for audiences of any age.

Gonzalez has also participated in both the Toronto and Hamilton Fringe Festivals in a variety of different roles including stage manager, sound designer, and dramaturg. When first writing Snacey!, she felt limited in shaping certain narrative elements due to budget concerns. Eventually, she says that she put on all her hats at one time and wrote wherever the story took her. 

“Wearing multiple hats did have its benefits. As an actor, my job was made a little easier since I had a clear understanding of each character and knew what their intentions were,” she says. “However, I couldn’t have done it without my amazing team! If I ever felt overwhelmed, I always had someone to turn to and delegate. They were all so dedicated and willing to help.”

Snacey! is a brilliant reminder of the privilege of giving the younger generations life lessons through the arts. 

“I targeted everyone’s inner child. Everyone has a younger version of themselves they think about and feel the need to protect from obstacles they now know that young people will have to face,” Gonzalez says.

Snacey! is on stage now as part of the Toronto Fringe Festival.