Whether you’re a history buff, someone who appreciates architectural details, or just curious about stories that have shaped Ontario, visiting the Doors Open Ontario website is an impressive experience.
As someone who has always loved Doors Open Toronto, I definitely miss exploring physical spaces, but did enjoy falling into different locations and buildings on this extremely comprehensive site.
Tour a four-storey bunker at Canada’s Cold War Museum; dive to the bottom of the Narrows between Lakes Simcoe and Couchiching to learn about the Mjkaning Fish Weirs, or the largest best-preserved wooden fish weirs in eastern North America that were in used by the Huron-Wendat from about 3300 BC until the recent past; go to Canada’s Wonderland and test out 16 different virtual rides; or check out all the cool memorabilia saved at Canada’s LGBTQ2+ Archives. There is a ton to explore—all over the province!
For those of you opting to do online learning this year, this might be an interesting way to spend a few hours with your kids—have them choose which doors they want to open! Beyond the virtual tours, there are activities, games, educational videos, and more. The Doors Open Ontario virtual offering is a tremendous resource.