If you’re feeling an internal renaissance coming on, or if you’re out-of-touch with your spiritual side (and want to get back there), check out The Goddess Group. Catie Fenn started the group because she wanted to create a community of like-minded women (goddesses) who could connect, support and encourage each other to live up to their highest potential.
Fenn reached a point where her life seemed empty, despite the fact that she’d ticked off all her boxes on her bucket list. She decided to re-evaluate and re-imagine what her life should be.
“Spirituality is about seeking a deeper knowing of ourselves and deriving meaning from our lives,” she says. “That takes going inward, reflecting, and getting quiet amid a society that encourages us to always be producing and on the go, and to look externally for answers, validation, inspiration, and understanding.”
Each session begins with a guided meditation followed by a dive into the month’s topic, such as honing intuition or manifesting reality. “I will share my personal stories of how I incorporated these tools and techniques into my life to break through challenges and stay motivated. We then workshop these tools, and then break off into groups to collaborate with one another.”
“It’s a space to help women remember how powerful, beautiful and magical they really are, and how infinite the possibilities for their lives are.”
Sound like your jam? Goddess Group runs through the end of April at MISFITSTUDIO (761 Queen St. West). Sign up here.