The year was 1987. I was only in grade three when the Dirty Dancing phenomenon kicked off – but this, my friends, did not stop me from tracking down a copy at the local video store and renting it for my ninth birthday slumber-party. Even if the man at the desk raised his eyebrows and told me that it wasn’t a film for kids, let’s just say I had seen Pete’s Dragon far too many times on re-run and was ready to up the ante.
We weren’t sure what we were watching…..and maybe we shouldn’t have been watching it, where were my parents? Felicitous perhaps, it started a mighty dance revolution that has shaped the way we move for over twenty years.
After school, Kay and I would take turns perfecting our cha-cha-cha in the upstairs hallway. Sometimes I’d be Johnny and carry her around and other times I’d be Baby whining about my watermelons.
Will you join the dirty dancing street movement?
Slightly embarrassing when streetcar was stalled here.
Oh, the lift. How many years have we been trying to master this?
Dirty Dancing Keepsake Edition has us so excited that we’ve taken to stealing carts in Price Chopper to groove with.
“Calling all shoppers, dance party in Aisle 4.”
Vogueing to the grocery store muzak.
How do you call your lover boy?
If he doesn’t answer, I’ll impress him with this back flip thing.
They practice on a log…
…so we shall practice on a log!
By the time I was sixteen, it was necessary to find a boyfriend who would act out Love is Strange. I wanted to writhe around the floor calling for my Mickey. Over ten years later, I have still not found a Swayze type to catch me as I leap off a stage. I have, however, done this duet with at least a dozen girlfriends, be it a high school lip synch, camp talent show or simply late night hooliganism at university. I am still trying to master the moves that stirred me so long ago. Now, I have no shame and have taken it to the streets.
Why the sudden inclination to dance down the aisles of Price Chopper, in back alleys off Queen, construction zones and lone logs in Bellwoods? Well, Dirty Dancing die-hards, today marks the day that The Dirty Dancing Keepsake Edition hits shelves.
Covet it for yourself, give it to your Mom for Mother’s Day or snatch one up for that upcoming stagette and take turns making the bride-to-be swoon with your slither-come-hither dance crawl.
CONTEST!! Enter to win one of ten Dirty Dancing Keepsake Edition DVD’s PLUS a special gift from CAKE Beauty.
To enter to win – e-mail: and tell us what your favourite scene is.
The sister doing that dumb hula-hula dance? Dancing in the rain on a wet log? The sex scene with Cry To Me playing on the record player? TELL US!
Sing it: now I had the time of my life!
The Dirty Dancing Keepsake Edition includes:
– A 52 page hard cover book featuring a forward from Writer & Producer Eleanor Bergstein
– NEW! film transfer stunning visual quality
– Over an hour of brand new bonus features with cast, crew and Jennifer Grey screen test
– Patrick Swayze tribute
– Dirty Dancing: The Phenomenon
– Dancing to the music
– Re-living the locations
…and until we get our paws on this – we will continue to freak out pedestrians with our hot shit dance moves. If you want to join us on all fours, we’d love the company. Here’s a little taste to get you in the mood.
For all you promoters out there- could someone please throw a party where I can let loose and dirty dance without feeling like a creep? Here’s an idea, call it Dirty Dancing. Thanks.
xo Shedoesthecity