Anna von Frances (the force behind Full Power Yoga) wants you to consider a different kind of vacation this year: solo travel with your babe, along with the support of other badass moms. Mark your mat leave with one amazing travel adventure to Guatemala next March.
Interested? How about this: Mamas can expect boutique accommodations, daily yoga, transportation, pool days, site seeing around Guatemala, delicious meals and wine tastings. It might sound overwhelming but don’t worry: there are also plenty of opportunities for alone time with Baby, because mamas understand each other!
Still sound impossible to you? We caught up with Anna and asked her why she put this together, and if it’s really as easy as she’s making it look.
SDTC: What would surprise most women about what it’s like to travel solo with their kids?
AVF: How easy it is and fun. So far I’ve only travelled in Central America and backpacked the Caribbean side of Mexico with Luna, but I have done a lot of solo travel before this. And travelling with Luna alone was first class the whole way. Children are conversation pieces here; everyone has one. Plus, it seemed that pretty much everyone wanted to help us because they think I’m brave and exciting for doing something so different on my own. I have never felt so much kindness from strangers. Also it’s like having a friend along for the ride, but you get all that alone time too. Best of both worlds.
Is there anything you wished you had packed but didn’t? Anything you wished you had left at home?
I used to be such an expert packer, but now I am an over packer. I usually send home a bag of stuff two days into the trip that I didn’t need.
Why do you think family travel excursions are typically so cheesy and commodified? What sets this one apart?
I think they are cheesy because they haven’t been updated in thirty years and they probably make good money off these boring vacations. It just doesn’t seem like they are really thinking about the user and there is a very clear assumption that you will be a two-parent family on the trip.
Travel Mama Guatemala is different because it’s affordable – we even have an interest-free financing option with PayPal. We’re not stepping foot in a hotel (except the pool day where we’ll do some sunning and funning) because they aren’t family friendly. We’re staying in gorgeous Airbnb’s and we have childcare, an in-house cook for allergies and special diets, and best of all, moms will get to bond with their kids and each other.

Anna & Luna
What are your travelling tips for moms who are going on their first mom/baby excursion?
Don’t pack so much. Try to get away from stroller dependency – it’s a way to keep you trapped. Get a good carrier and use it year round so you are mobile. Pack Tempra, just in case.
For many new moms, just getting out of the house seems like an elaborate mission. Why did you want to go so far afield?
Is it? I know it’s what we are told, but is it really? I had a baby by myself in Mexico and I left the house five days after a C-section because I was going stir crazy. I think you leave the house if you want to, but maybe some moms like to stay home. I know plenty of women on mat leave who got off the couch the very second they had an invitation to go somewhere.
The importance of going far is to get away from the Western bubble and see how it works in another culture. I really want to show moms what it’s like to be immersed in a culture where kids are a blessing and not a burden. And we live in Guatemala: it’s easy and safe and small and beautiful and just a great place to host the first trip all around.
If a trip to Guatemala from March 9th to 18th is exactly what you need, sign up here.