What does a typical Thursday look like for you, starting from when you wake up – to heading to bed?

On a typical Thursday, my alarm goes off around 8:15 and after hitting the snooze button about 3 times, I roll out of bed around 8:45.  I make myself some breakfast…oj, banana, cereal, toast and a big ole glass of milk and watch a combo of cp24 and property virgins on hgtv on tv.   I eventually head to the shower, get dressed, make myself some tea in my Starbucks thermos and hop on the king streetcar to head to the shop for the 11am opening.  The morning is pretty quiet – I respond to emails, return phone calls, check my bank acct (very important!!), work on promo/marketing materials, check my inventory levels and of course, log into facebook!  The store starts to get b-izzy between 4 – 8pm… I get a big “heading home from the office” crowd.  At closing time, I tidy up the store (refolding jeans, spacing out hangers – thank you Club Monaco for all the training I received back in high school).  Depending on the time (and my energy level), I usually debate heading to my dance studio for the advanced hip hop class or being that it’s Thursday, I may meet up with friends for bevies or dinner.  These days, my Thursday’s have been pretty quiet…and sadly, this former night owl, is usually falling asleep by 11pm. 

What was your first job out of school?

Working as an assistant at the CMA…Certified Management Accounts of Ontario…a very short-lived job.  I was a bit too social for those accounts. 

What are the 3 skills you require most to do your job well?


Being able to adapt to different situations and scenarios

Using a blackberry (is that a skill???) – I would be lost without mine! 

What do you love most about your career?

I love being my own boss!!!   

Do you have any warnings?

Definitely know what you’re getting into – do your research!!  As boutique owner, I had to do things that I never thought I’d have to do (ie. Un-glamorous) like scraping carpet glue off the floor over a 4 day period using the most toxic substance known to man. 

If you could try a different career on for a year, what would it be?

I would be a professional safe and vault technician.   Charlize Theron said that in the Italian Job and I think it would a cool title to have on a biz card…plus, who wouldn’t want to crack open safes for a living?!?! 


covet + crave | FOR WOMEN
premium denim and t-shirt boutique

789 king st w
toronto, on m5v 1n4

Also See Article in Fashion Scene: She does the city in jeans from covet+crave